Upper Merion Township offers a unique and rewarding opportunity for businesses to support Upper Merion Parks and Recreation and the Upper Merion Community Center!
The exciting new Banner Sponsorship Program will connect your business to the community through multiple family-oriented, township-wide community events and summer camps, as well as the Upper Merion Community Center – all which engage thousands throughout the year. Digital and print ads, included at every sponsor level, will display your corporate citizenship while providing greater visibility in this expanding township.
The Upper Merion Community Center is the centerpiece of this program and will provide Platinum sponsors with exclusive and effective value and visibility!
Be Seen Everywhere!
As a Banner Program Sponsor, your company will be visible to thousands through digital ads (Township Building and Community Center TV monitors) and print ads (included as part of the quarterly Parks & Rec Guide mailers), and at the township’s family-oriented events. All Banner Program Sponsors are invited to have a table at these events – with the benefit of waived event registration fees.
Digital Ads on Community Center & Township Building TV Monitors
Print Ads in Parks & Rec Activity Guide Mailer (4 times annually)
Upper Merion Township Special Events
UMPR Summer Camps
Exclusive Benefit for Platinum Sponsors
The Upper Merion Community Center is a 70,000 square foot, state-of-the-art facility that offers a wide array of classes, camps and activities to both residents and non-residents.
The Center is equipped with a huge indoor track, group fitness room, multiple courts for a variety of games, meeting spaces and a cooking studio. Members have access to all of the amenities, plus free WiFi and childcare. While using the facility, members also receive a discount on township pool memberships and all UMPR programs and trips. With its three green roofs, the Center also furthers the Township’s goal of achieving a sustainable community.
We are proud of the Community Center’s early success:
- Over 200,000 Community Center visits annually (includes members, daily pass, program participants)
- 2700+ UMCC Members
- 15,000 Residences receive Parks and Rec mailers and Parks and Rec quarterly activity guides (4 annually)
- 7000+ subscribers to the Upper Merion Parks & Rec eNewsletter and Social Media
Included with your Platinum Sponsorship is a beautiful fabric banner with your company’s branding, which will be displayed in the Upper Merion Community Center gymnasium for a full two (2) years!
Not sure which level is right for you? Call Gerri Vattimo at 484-636-3899 or email gvattimo@umtownship.org. Let’s discuss your goals. Together we’ll build the appropriate package to effectively deliver your marketing message.