Be prepared for emergencies, severe weather, and other important events by staying in touch with Upper Merion Township.
Upper Merion Township Social Media and Website
During weather events, visit our website and social media pages for frequent updates, including township facility closures, safety information, and other resources. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @umtownship.
The Montgomery County Department of Public Safety provides a notification system called ReadyMontco free for residents (text messaging and voice rates may apply). Sign up for ReadyMontco to get notifications about emergencies, severe weather, crime alerts and disasters in Montgomery County.
Sign up at readymontco.org to receive time-sensitive messages wherever you specify, which could include your home phone, cell phone, business phone, email address, and more.
Upper Merion Township eNewsletter
Sign up for our eNewsletter to receive important updates related to storms and other emergency events. You can select the list(s) you want to subscribe to, including general township news, Parks & Recreation, and Library. Special eBlasts are often sent out to alert the public of weather-related events or other emergencies. Sign up here!
Upper Merion Township TV Station and LED Sign
UMGA-TV is UMT’s government access channel. You can tune to the channel or look at the LED sign during weather or other emergencies for updated alerts on road closures, snow emergency declarations, and other vital information. UMGA-TV can be found on Comcast Channel 22 and Verizon Channel 33. The LED sign is located at the corner of Valley Forge Road & Henderson Road.