Upper Merion Township is returning stronger than ever . . .
As the Upper Merion community is enjoying the invigorating autumn weather, all of us can look back over this year and gratefully note that in 2021 we’ve seen many community gatherings and events reinvigorated. Youth filled Parks and Rec camps and the Township Pool recorded another super successful season. The Township Library continues to bustle as creative programming enables a great combination of live and virtual offerings. Patrons of the Upper Merion Farmers Market enjoyed a robust regular season wrapping up in a tasty way with the market’s traditional Chili Cook-off event! We’ve had a number of truly fall-tastic township-wide events – Park Partner Events, National Night Out, a new Fall Fun Festival at Nor-View Farm and the return of the big bustling Community Fair & Fall Festival, which serendipitously included – Fireworks! Flip through the Fall/ Winter edition of Township Lines as we’ve made it chocked full of information that you will find useful and interesting as we head into a new year together. Read more.