Everyone wants to keep their homes and community running smoothly, but sometimes everyday habits can unknowingly cause serious issues. That’s why the Upper Merion Sanitary & Stormwater Authority is reminding residents to save their pipes and avoid flushing wipes.
While it might seem convenient to flush disposable wipes, baby wipes, or paper towels down the toilet, this practice can wreak havoc on plumbing and the local wastewater system. Unlike toilet paper, these items do not break down easily in sewer or septic systems. The fibered construction of wipes makes them stronger and non-degradable, leading to clogs that can damage pipes, pumps, and wastewater treatment equipment.
Even though some wipes are labeled as “flushable,” they still pose a threat when flushed. They can take months to break down, if they break down at all, causing blockages that can result in sewage backups in homes or neighborhoods. Not only is this a nuisance, but it also presents significant health risks and strains water utilities’ resources.
To prevent these issues and protect homes and communities, residents should remember: only toilet paper and natural waste should be flushed down the toilet. Disposable wipes, baby wipes, and paper towels should always be disposed of in the trash.
By following this simple rule, residents can help ensure the smooth operation of plumbing and wastewater systems, keeping the community safe and healthy for everyone. Thank you for doing your part!